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Photochromic Ink Printing | Solar Discoloration Ink Cards

What is Photochromic Ink?

Photochromic ink appears transparent indoors but changes to a specific color when exposed to sunlight or UV light, maintaining its color for a period before fading.

Photochromic Ink Printing | Solar Discoloration Ink Cards

This ink absorbs UV rays from sunlight, so it also reacts under UV lamps. Since indoor lighting contains minimal UV, the color-changing effect is not activated.

Photochromic Ink Printing | Solar Discoloration Ink Cards

However, because some UV is still present indoors, the ink may appear faintly colored instead of completely transparent.

Photochromic Ink Printing | Solar Discoloration Ink Cards

Applications & Creative Uses of Photochromic Ink

Photochromic ink can be used to create small cards that roughly indicate the UV intensity in an environment.

Photochromic Ink Printing | Solar Discoloration Ink Cards

It is also popular in creative products like postcards, stickers, and novelty items, adding an interactive element. For example, some customers design postcards where leaf patterns only become visible under sunlight. Others use it in book printing as a fun way to encourage people to read more—and go outdoors more often!

Photochromic Ink Printing | Solar Discoloration Ink Cards

Photochromic Ink × Innovative Beverage Cup Designs

Some printing companies have integrated photochromic ink into drink cup designs, featuring floral patterns that appear in vibrant red when exposed to sunlight—an eye-catching marketing gimmick.

(Please note that we currently do not offer photochromic ink printing for beverage cups. Thank you for your understanding.)


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