Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)
We require all colleagues to uphold the basic principles of "honesty, integrity, trust, and truth", to be "responsible to themselves" in all things, and to gradually establish an organic organization that can grow up and adjust and change with the environment.

Social Responsibility
The business operation of an enterprise is not just a matter of pursuing profit; to feedback to the society in return is also an invisible responsibility.
Holo Solution has been doing its very best to actively participate in charity events. As to internal management, Holo Solution is aiming to build up a learning organization depicted in master Peter M. Senge’s "The Fifth Discipline" for the appeal that it wants to establish an organic organization, which can grow and adjust itself according to the environment.
Not only to coach each employee for healthy positive mentality, we also expect the corporate’s operation efforts to gain public trust accordingly.
Carry out environment protection and advocate humanity
Back in 2006 when Holo Solution built the new plant, it already embedded an overall pre-consideration on environmental protection, green plant, rainwater recycling, and how to reduce the release of wastewater. It also activated all employees’ involvement together to plant trees and build chain brick, etc.
The factory had set up environmental recycling signs and resource recycling classification areas. All employees are committed to carrying out environmental recycling and classification.
Frequently participate in environmental resource recycling or reuse seminars of the community.
Participate in the Tzu Chi humanities propaganda, which promotes spiritual growth sharing on tea ceremony and community environmental recycling.
Health and Safety
Every year employees are assigned to participate in health and safety, accident prevention, emergency response, and fire safety related trainings. Relevant programs are also shared among colleagues from time to time.
Occasionally invite experts and consultants to the company to deliver trainings, and to guide our staffs to effectively upgrade the environment safety and hygiene status inside the factory.
The company regularly signs waste material recycling contracts with the Environment Protection Bureaus of Changhua County and Kaoshiung City every year.
The company assigns employees to take the safety, hygiene, and fireman trainings every year.
Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction.
SGS inspections are regularly performed on the aluminum-plated films of the main materials to ensure customers’ quantity expectation is well satisfied that we never use any environment-hazardous materials and always safeguard the natural ecological environment.
Materials for product packaging are mainly prioritized on using paper materials or used paper bags collected, or the sorted-out product cartons from the incoming delivery. Such material re-use measure implemented in the delivery packaging has extended the lifespan and maximized the uses of the packaging materials.
Re-use the shredded nickel from production process, or re-use it after cleaning.
The double-layer roof design of the building, the planting of trees and turf coverage, and together with the building of chain brick trails outside the plant have significantly reduced greenhouse gas emission.
The enzymes are produced and used inside the plant environment that it is natural and environmental friendly.
The air-conditioning is set to be turned on only when the room temperature has exceeded 28°C.
Talent Cultivation
The process flow management and human resources are checked and integrated, and the organization function operation, personnel & administration management and the establishment of systematic HR development, etc. are guided by the managerial concepts of the corporate that the organization functions are clearly configured according to department functions and individual functional tasks to clearly clarify on the authority and responsibility. In addition, the recruitment has been implemented according to the organization staffing plan which makes staff talents, job functions and potential development well justified.
Moreover, the TTQS appraisal has been implemented in 2011, which has made the results of talent cultivation and training programs even more solid. -
100% of the employees are locals of Changhua County that we have well carried out our concept to feedback to the neighboring societies and make good contributions to the regional employment in this region.
Social Welfare
The whole Holo Solution team, form the top management down to the entry level staffs, has spared no effort on social welfare. In addition to MR. Huang, the General Manager who has been donating at least 300c.c. blood every time for more than four consecutive years already, such love has spread all over the team that nowadays at least half of the team members have got into the habit of donating blood regularly. Furthermore, the GM/ Mr. Huang has been involved in the operation of KIWANIS for many years, and has served as the Director of the KIWANIS’s Children-Caring Committee in 2012 with great honor that he still keeps on putting efforts for promoting social welfare affairs.